Thinking, creating and writing go hand in hand in all studio practice.
Writing is another way of investigating one’s expressive voice and translating visual research into textual language.
Research of outside (historical and contemporary) artists and designers is an expectation of all art and design students beyond what is discussed in class.
Students of SA302 will engage in two research papers of artists / designers that make use of a creative approach to drawing.
#1 In the first paper, the student will introduce an artist or designer’s work who makes use of drawing in an experimental way. Introduce three creative projects by this artist/designer, a give a descriptive analysis of each. Due by Week 9
#2 In the second paper, the student will write a comparative paper of the work of an artist or designer that parallels one of our own projects in concept and/or methodology. Introduce three creative projects by this artist / designer and compare it to your own solutions to the project. Due in Week 14
Research Methods & Organization
Research both artists/designers and develop a written formal paper on both.
Each paper should be a minimum of five pages, excluding images.
• Student papers need to include a short biography on the selected artist/designer (maximum of 3 paragraphs each).
• The bulk of the paper should develop a well analyzed deconstruction of three creative works.
• Each analytical deconstruction needs to thoroughly discuss how the formal elements are employed. Does the choice of media add any additional information (i.e. a drawing of the Mona Lisa in chocolate and diamonds is interpretively very different than the original painting of the subject). Additionally, the paper needs to thoroughly speak about the expression of the work as a whole. Is symbolism being employed by the creator? How?
• The finished papers should be a minimum of 5, double spaced pages, excluding images.
• MLA or APA style, double spaced, maximum 12 pt. legible font
• A formal Works Cited Bibliography needs to accompany the paper
• A printed copy of thumbnails, figures or image plates needs to appear at the end of the research paper including the works of art you are deconstructing, noting complete details; title, date, dimensions, media, collection of each and URL source.